Om børnene i den lille by "Nokios Elv"
All-around artist, writer, visual artist

with GPS position and Haiku poems, signed and numbered 1-25
The portraits introduce distinctive trees and tree scenarios in the Skagen area - photographs ready to decorate your home.
But that's not all.
Watching the image brings the tree to life. The tree is experienced as being active. The GPS indication arouses the viewer's curiosity and invites to action, to go out into nature and visit the tree, while the haiku poem's comments act as a mental eye opener, an invitation to dialogue.
The tree portrait draws the viewer into its universe and sets an agenda that calls for reflection.

The tree portraits thus function as much more than just a starting point for the memory. The portraits recall and augment reality.
They offer themselves as active co-writers of the Skagen story.

The GPS position of the tree
Go find it yourself
The photograph's unique number in the series of 25
The haiku poem of the tree, invi-
ting to thought-provoking dialogue
Signature of photographer / poet