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Tree Portraits

Photographic Studies

Spending time in nature—especially when following the same routes over time—inevitably leads to a close, almost personal relationship with lakes, rivers, and all kinds of vegetation.


This has certainly been the case for me.

Over the years, I have established more or less fixed routes through various forests.

I have followed the growth of new trees, from small emerging shoots on the forest floor to increasingly larger beings.

I have observed how mighty trees, at their peak, slowly begin their journey toward the later stages of the forest’s life cycle.

Or even being felled.


We speak of “animal whisperers”—but what about “tree whisperers”?

And I must admit: I have developed a personal connection with the trees.

Whether this is purely a projection on my part or if others would perceive them in the same way remains an open question.


To me, trees hold “human qualities”.
At the very least, it seems natural to view the life that unfolds among them as comparable to the ways we humans perceive ourselves and interact with one another.


Coordinates and Haiku Poems

To put this to the test, I have included geographical coordinates with each tree portrait, allowing anyone to visit these trees in person and determine whether they, too, speak to them.


Additionally, I have paired each portrait with a haiku poem, capturing my experience with the trees in words.

57°41'53.1"N 10°31'16.1"E


nogle træer har

det bare med at rage

op de tager plads


er ikke til at

komme udenom måske

på bekostning af


andre træer men

vi vil alligevel nø

digt undvære dem

57°41'52.0"N 10°31'17.8"E


livets faser er

alle lige vigtige

for træer alle


er afhængige

af hinanden i natu

rens livscyklus men


ungdom er ungdom

og i deres kamp for at

finde egen rod


sker det at yngre

træer flasher rank vækst og

lysbløde nåle

57°41'53.1"N 10°31'16.1"E


man er på toppen
kompetent udødelig
livets højdepunkt


ignoreres fortrænges
indtil den dag hvor


man ligger fældet
død fjernet stubresterne
forvitret og glemt

57°42'58.4"N 10°33'08.9"E


døden er ikke

diskussionsemne for

træer  naturens


kredsløb derimod

er alfa og omega

derfor hilses da


også alle vækst

faser fra frø til tørtræ

lige velkomne

© 2025 Copyright Jan Frederik Bisbjerg


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