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Inspiring and instructive "street" books  -  a small selection

(You can borrow the books in Danish at the Danish Libraries)

The Street Photographer's DNA

- and a little about his equipment

  • What is street photography?

  • Why take pictures of the street at all?

  • How do you take good street photos?

  • How do you increase your photographic luck using a street journal?

  • What is characteristic of the excellent street photographer?

- And what equipment should the street photographer choose?


These are some of the issues addressed in this book.

Questions and answers are illustrated by street photographs from Copenhagen, Berlin, Paris and London.

 The Street Photographer's MBA

- street photography made with care

"The Street Photographer's DNA" focused on the development of the street photographer's competencies, from beginner to expert and discussed the particular characteristics of each different competency level.

"The Street Photographer's MBA" focuses on where great street pictures are found and how they are captured.

The book provides simple instructions and ideas that are easy to follow:

  • Never walk out of your front door and wait for divine inspiration to strike or expect that "something will happen"

  • Always focus on one or two ideas for your photograph session

  • ⁃ And always be ready to break the rules if that's what it takes to capture the great picture.

  • Bring the relevant photography equipment

  • Be clear about your objective with your pictures

  • Talk to others about your pictures – in complete sentences

  • Publicise, let others see your pictures

  • Do it!


⁃ And always be ready to break the rules if that's what it takes to capture the great picture.

The book covers ten themes that help you to get started quickly. Become inspired and discover how your street photography can be improved in a short space of time. And discover how to boost your motivation and the satisfaction you take from street photography.

The book contains more than 100 photographs taken in Copenhagen, Berlin, Paris and London.

Paris - The Dream of any Street Photographer


In spite of

  • an increasing Disneyfication of admirable sights

  • a banalization beyond recognition of distinctive localities

  • a growing McDonaldization

Paris still possesses inexhaustible inspiration.

As to that, the many people, inhabitants, tourists

- play a conspicuous role


Using the traditional sights as the background the book focuses on the people of Paris, making the humans the attractions.

Street fotografering - nu med kamera

Artikel i Dansk Fotografi, no. 2, 2016 (in Danish)

The article is based on the fact that we as social individuals are curious and constantly aware of each other.

We naturally observe each other all the time without a camera.


The article introduces the camera into this social interaction

© 2025 Copyright Jan Frederik Bisbjerg

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