Om børnene i den lille by "Nokios Elv"
All-around artist, writer, visual artist

It's all about Perspectives

What is your choice of perspective?
Are you looking at the world from a traditional and conformal perspective, or do you challenge the framework, approaching the matters from a different angle?
Are you honest in your relations to other people, or do you have your own hidden agenda?
Do you watch life and its occurences from a safe distance, or are you an active coplayer in your life?
The 3 different photographic approaches of the book challenge the idea of perspective each in their own way:
An airborne, uncontrolled camera
A camera held headhigh on a tripod and a constant camera-exposure at the rate of 1.200 pictures an hour
A camera mounted on a 5 years old girl sliding and swinging
The text of the book is in Danish and English