Om børnene i den lille by "Nokios Elv"
All-around artist, writer, visual artist


In our family, we are all so favored by being born with creative genes.
This means that we all have our own artistic approach to life.
We took the consequence of that in 2014 by forming the family collective:
"Copenhagen Family Artist Collective".
The collective's first joint product was a 200-pages catalog where all family members' works were presented.
The catalog was initially intended as a test of the possibility of cooperation.
A test that was particularly successful.

Family Anecdotes
Stories about who has done what and when circlulate in all families.
Some of the stories are extremely cheerful, others are admiring descriptions of a family-members behavior, and again others vote for consideration.
But whatever the narratives contain and how the family's events are told, the narratives are the significant “glue”, that creates cohesiveness in yours and our extraordinairy families
For instance
The cover collage of our family chronicle portrays my grand parents. The chess game reminds me and the rest of my family, that my grandfather was a capable chess player, who taught me to play chess in the hardest imaginable way, when I was 6 years old:
Think, Jan Frederik - or lose!
And I did that, lose - startling and crying - the first 200 times.
Then eventually I achieved a drawn game
- and oh joy - I started to win :-)